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الجمعة، 11 يونيو 2010

Hair Treatment Quiz ( hair color / hair growth / hair laser removal / hair fall control / hair tips / hair cut / hair style / hair extensions)

1. If hair loss occurs as a symptom of other diseases, treating the disease will take care of treatment for hair.
a. True
b. False

2. How can the unwanted hair be removed?
a. Bleaching
b. Hair removal either bu eletrolysis or laser treatment
c. Weight loss
d. All of the above

3. What treatment can be sought for oily hair?
a. Shampooing of hair daily by leaving the shampoo on the head for at least 5 minutes before rinsing
b. Avoid brushing your hair too often or too vigorously
c. Minimize the use of hormone pills that affect the oil production
d. All of the above

4. What medications can cause hair loss?
a. High blood pressure
b. Heart problems, depression or gout
c. Chemotherapy or radiation treatment
d. Taking birth control pills in case of women

5. Which is the main cause of hair loss in both men and women?
a. Genetic
b. Diet
c. Stress and illness
d. All of the above

6. Male pattern baldness does not indicate a medical disorder, but it may affect self-esteem or cause anxiety.
a. True
b. False

7. What is the cause in the remaining 5% of the cases?
a. Diet, stress
b. Illness
c. Medication
d. All of the above

8. Which illness can cause hair loss?
a. Thyroid
b. Ringworm of the scalp
c. Flu or fungus infection
d. All of the above

9. The self-care measures that can be taken to prevent dry hair are:
a. Shampoo less frequently – perhaps only once or twice a week
b. Add conditioners
c. Avoid blow drying and harsh styling products
d. All of the above

10. What are the only two approved by the FDA to treat pattern baldness?
a. Rogaine
b. Propecia
c. Tylenol
d. All of the above

11. Permanent hair loss can also be treated by hair replacement procedures, such as:
a. Micro-grafting
b. Slit grafting, Punch grafting
c. Scalp reduction
d. All of the above

12. How is a head lice infestation (pediculosis) treated?
a. Use of over-the-counter medication called pediculicide
b. The traditional method of removing all the nits
c. Use of over-the-counter shampoo
d. All of the above

13. What are the three cycles of hair growth?
a. Growing
b. Resting
c. Shedding
d. Strengthening

14. Which of the following statements are true of hair transplant?
a. In this technique, hair from areas on the scalp where hair is thick is pulled and is put on areas where your hair is thin
b. These hair plugs can have a bothersome checkerboard appearance
c. It is risky
d. It is painful

15. What treatment options are available for hair loss?
a. Grooming techniques
b. Wigs and hairpieces
c. Medications and surgery
d. All of the above

16. Does washing and styling the hair cause further hair loss?
a. Yes
b. No

17. The most important consideration to make when deciding the type of treatment is:
a. The extent to which hair loss is a botheration to the person
b. The cost of treatment
c. The side-effects of treatment
d. All of the above

18. What is done in case of slightly severe hair loss?
a. Grooming techniques are used
b. Wigs and hairpieces
c. Medications and surgery
d. All of the above

19. If hair loss is caused by another illness, treatment of the illness is the best treatment for hair loss.
a. False
b. True

20. What is done in case of mild hair loss?
a. Styling hair to cover the areas with the most hair loss
b. Wigs and hairpieces
c. Medications and surgery
d. Grooming techniques are used

21. Which of the following statements are true of Minoxidil?
a. It works for both men and women
b. It works best for balding at the top and back of the head and less well for the front area of the scalp
c. Stopping this medication can result in loss of the hair that developed during its use
d. All of the above

22. Which treatment is effective in children but not for adults?
a. Follicular transplant
b. Hair transplant
c. Scalp rotation
d. Surgery

23. A more recent technique of moving individual hairs from one place to another is called:
a. Follicular transplant
b. Hair transplant
c. Scalp rotation
d. Surgery

1. If hair loss occurs as a symptom of other diseases, treating the disease will take care of treatment for hair.

Correct Answer: True

2. How can the unwanted hair be removed?

Correct Answer: All of the above

3. What treatment can be sought for oily hair?

Correct Answer: All of the above

4. What medications can cause hair loss?

Correct Answer: High blood pressure

Correct Answer: Heart problems, depression or gout

Correct Answer: Chemotherapy or radiation treatment

Correct Answer: Taking birth control pills in case of women

5. Which is the main cause of hair loss in both men and women?

Correct Answer: All of the above

6. Male pattern baldness does not indicate a medical disorder, but it may affect self-esteem or cause anxiety.

Correct Answer: True

7. What is the cause in the remaining 5% of the cases?

Correct Answer: All of the above

8. Which illness can cause hair loss?

Correct Answer: All of the above

9. The self-care measures that can be taken to prevent dry hair are:

Correct Answer: All of the above

10. What are the only two approved by the FDA to treat pattern baldness?

Correct Answer: Rogaine

Correct Answer: Propecia

11. Permanent hair loss can also be treated by hair replacement procedures, such as:

Correct Answer: All of the above

12. How is a head lice infestation (pediculosis) treated?

Correct Answer: Use of over-the-counter medication called pediculicide

13. What are the three cycles of hair growth?

Correct Answer: Growing

Correct Answer: Resting

Correct Answer: Shedding

14. Which of the following statements are true of hair transplant?

Correct Answer: In this technique, hair from areas on the scalp where hair is thick is pulled and is put on areas where your hair is thin

Correct Answer: These hair plugs can have a bothersome checkerboard appearance

15. What treatment options are available for hair loss?

Correct Answer: All of the above

16. Does washing and styling the hair cause further hair loss?

Correct Answer: Yes

17. The most important consideration to make when deciding the type of treatment is:

Correct Answer: The extent to which hair loss is a botheration to the person

18. What is done in case of slightly severe hair loss?

Correct Answer: Wigs and hairpieces

19. If hair loss is caused by another illness, treatment of the illness is the best treatment for hair loss.

Correct Answer: True

20. What is done in case of mild hair loss?

Correct Answer: Styling hair to cover the areas with the most hair loss

21. Which of the following statements are true of Minoxidil?

Correct Answer: All of the above

22. Which treatment is effective in children but not for adults?

Correct Answer: Scalp rotation

23. A more recent technique of moving individual hairs from one place to another is called:

Correct Answer: Follicular transplant

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